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About the group

A DLT working group

What is DLT Cafe?

DLT Cafe is a working group focused on DLTs (acronym for Distributed Ledger Technologies).

The group is structured as an assembly entity, where anyone interested in belonging to it has a place.

Although membership is open to all types of profiles, the incorporation of new members is decided in assembly, aiming to form a community aligned with our principles and interests.

At DLT Cafe we encourage a working group that fosters the emergence of synergies among the members of our community and, at the same time, serves to disseminate their individual results.

DLT Cafe is a meeting point to share ideas and experiment together, either to learn about new technologies, develop proofs of concept, undertake new business ideas, share experiences or conduct research in the area.

Therefore, the group is interested in creating a multidisciplinary community where its members can solve doubts, find ideas and discover profiles with which they can complement their own and associate to collaborate together.

Additionally, DLT Cafe encourages the individual promotion of its members, offering a platform from which to disseminate their activities, profiles and strengths.

Group name

We use indistinctly DLT Cafe, DLT Café,, DLT Cafe Working Group and DLT Café Working Group to name our group.

Notwithstanding the foregoing we prefer the non-accentuation of the word "café" for different reasons (such as facilitating the transmission of the name of the group or avoiding the use of accents in links, among others).

As we have the domain name, this name is preferred for use in logos, social accounts and graphic resources.

Territorial scope

The group seeks to develop its activities internationally, although its initial emphasis is focused on the Hispanic community, especially in Spain, since the geographical proximity of its founders will help to carry out local and regional activities.
